House Passes Health Care Reform Bill

I’ve started on a new reading project tonight; the entire health care reform bill as just passed by our House of Grift-resentatives. I figure since they haven’t read it, I might as well. At somewhere (is anybody really sure?) between 4 and 6 thousand pages, I should be at if for a couple weeks, anyway.

Also, for future reference, you may find these links useful:

To contact your Congressional Grit-resentatives: – Click on your state, find your district and all necessary contact information is there.

Find out how, and even if your current Grift-resentatives voted on legislation that concerns you at:

You can view an online version of the text of the bill at: or possibly at I kept getting time outs on marpx but their search capabilities look interesting.

Though probably not as monumental, nor as sweeping in the future, house procedures are always on at

As of the moment, I’m still waiting on my copy of this new legislation to download. It must be riveting reading…