Tag: govt bloat

Tea Party defeats jobs bill!!??

The President’s jobs bill was defeated in the Senate last night. According to some, the Tea Party is to blame. The vote last night — we were very pleased with it. I was surprised with some newspapers saying ‘setback,'” Schumer said. “This is one more step as part of our plan, which is basically, first

the Unofficialview Weekly Updates for 2011-08-21

From @AmSpec, by Peter Ferrara – Obamacare is going down. http://t.co/OO5IQyN # They Won't Believe Me http://t.co/6MbjnBB # @CFIFonline – http://t.co/t0H0WKG – Lawless administration # @tylerteaparty – me first what? ya lost me. # Powered by Twitter Tools

Raising the Debt Ceiling

A vote regarding raising the debt limit of the United States is pending in Congress in the very near future. My hope is that more “no” than “yes” shows up in the final tally. My expectation is that “yes” will carry the day, regardless of whether or not the Speaker of the House is able