Tag: health care reform

Off Message

President Obama overstepped when he threatened the Supreme Court earlier this week, and the main stream media had to call him on it.

We Are Expected To Believe (excerpt)

I can only say, I wish I’d written this. “Health Care Plan Gains Favor,” insists the White House message, echoed incessantly by the me-too media and passed off as news across the land. After all, they had to kick through the door and pass the bill so we can see the beauty within it. And

House Passes Health Care Reform Bill

I’ve started on a new reading project tonight; the entire health care reform bill as just passed by our House of Grift-resentatives. I figure since they haven’t read it, I might as well. At somewhere (is anybody really sure?) between 4 and 6 thousand pages, I should be at if for a couple weeks, anyway.

Monumental Moment in History

Is it just me, or does it scare the hell out of you too, when any politician uses the words “monumental moment in history?” That usually means they are preparing to reach deeper into the pockets of their constituents. I don’t care what side you’re on. When a politician of any stripe declares any event