
Be Prepared #5 Start Here: Be Prepared #1 | Previous: Zombies, Aliens and Black Holes, Oh My! 1) Don’t Jump!Do not just jump willy-nilly into your “be prepared” adventure. Doing that is like getting the car stuck in a snowdrift. You can stomp on the gas but all you do is create noise and fury

Be Prepared #3

Pack Your Bag Be Prepared #1 — Be Prepared #2 — Current: Pack Your Bag We have, for years when we’ve travelled, always packed a first aid kit: Bandages, Neosporin, sunscreen, Pepto, Dramamine, and of course, Alka-Seltzer Plus – Cold for my sinuses. It seemed prudent. Additionally as I referenced in the first of these

Be Prepared #2

Two Weeks of Food!!? Be Prepared #1 — Previous — Be Prepared #2 When the Wuhan flu started encroaching across the US, we kind of ignored it. It seemed far enough away–albeit terrible in other countries–and generally appeared to warrant nothing more than a handful of extra cans of soup and an extra loaf of

Be Prepared #1

I was never in the Boy Scouts. I did, however, grow up in an environment that reflected their motto of “Be Prepared”. My grandfather could fix anything mechanical, built his own barn(s) and garage, and ran an 80-acre farm largely by himself for years. Bits and pieces of his wealth of knowledge have stuck with